The Flying Bull Academy in the heart of Portsmouth caters for children aged 3 to 11, with additional resourced provision for children with behaviour, social and emotional difficulties, and a very popular Breakfast and After School Club and Nursery. The Flying Bull Academy has completed a £3.1m reburbishment project to provide a first-class learning environment for the children and staff, including The Hub – a wonderful centre for IT and reading resources.

“In our recent OFSTED, the team recognised that ‘the outstanding relationships between staff and pupils and exceptionally good pastoral support strongly influence pupils’ good behaviour and positive attitudes to learning and significantly underpin pupils’ good achievement’. We are incredibly proud of this statement.”
Deamonn Hewett-Dale, Headteacher, The Flying Bull Academy, Portsmouth

The Flying Bull Academy

Flying Bull Lane
United Kingdom

tel: 023 9269 4313

See map: Google Maps