Admissions Consultation

Admissions 2026/27

The University of Chichester Academy Trust Admissions Policy 2026/27

University of Chichester Academy Trust

Consultation on 2026-2027 Admissions



Two Academies in the Trust have merged – Langstone Infant Academy and Langstone Junior Academy so there is no longer an admission round for Y3 entry into Langstone Junior Academy.

Two Academies are joining the Trust during the academic year 2024-5, Bordon Infant School and Woodlea Primary School.

Waiting list arrangements in some Local Authorities have changed.


The policy for 2026-27 is amended to reflect these changes:

  • Removal of Langstone Infant Academy, Langstone Junior Academy and replaced with Langstone Primary Academy.
  • Addition of Bordon Infant School, Hampshire and Woodlea Primary School, Hampshire pending conversion to the Trust.
  • Slight change to wording regarding management of waiting lists.
  • Increase in PAN at Bordon Junior School to take the previously increased numbers admitted to Bordon Infant School.



In line with the Admissions Code, The Trust is consulting with stakeholders between Monday 11 November 2024 and Monday 16 December 2024. The views of stakeholders of the proposed changes are welcome.

How to respond

If you have any comments please address them to: or send them to:

James Humphries

University of Chichester Academy Trust

Arran House

Bognor Regis Campus

Upper Bognor Road

Bognor Regis

West Sussex

PO21 1HR


If you wish to receive a paper copy of this consultation you should apply in writing to the above address. We will publish our determination by the 28th February 2025. Following publication of the determination any subsequent objections will need to be made to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator by 15 May 2025.